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Growing Closer to God

During this time of uncertainty and craziness, we have all found ourselves with way more downtime than we would usually have. I personally have used this time to grow closer to God and to get a better understanding of his word. I would like to share a few things that have helped me to strengthen my relationship with him. I hope these suggestions will help you guys out!

1. Carve out a time to read your Bible.

I have found that mornings are the best time to spend time with God and read my Bible. If you set you alarm for thirty minutes earlier than normal, that gives you enough time to wake up and dig into God's word. Or you can read your Bible before bed, but I have found that I tend to not do it then because I am "too tired." I have come to really enjoy that time and it's a great way to start off or end your day.

2. Make a Plan

Creating plans or schedules are very helpful in your daily life. Since quarantine started, I have been reading through Psalms and Proverbs and I made a schedule two weeks in advance so I could make sure that I stayed on track with my plan. I even recently started my scheduling for May when I will be going through James, John, and Revelation. So just random little plans can help you stay in your Bible and grow closer to God. The Bible App also has lots of good plans if you don't want to make up your own!

3. Join or form a Small Group

Something I really value are smaller group settings where you can discuss the Bible and God. During this time, find a group of people who can hold you accountable for your Bible reading and praying. It can be by having Zoom meetings to discuss what you've read, or doing devotionals on the Bible App with them or over Zoom, or even having an IMessage group focused on the Bible and what you are learning. Any of these ways are great ways to keep yourself in a good, encouraging community.

4. Make it a Priority to Pray

Prayer is a great way to make your relationship with God stronger, even if it's just a short simple prayer thanking him for everything He's done for you. God loves it when we talk to Him and He is always there to listen no matter the time or the circumstance; He loves it when we come to Him. Make it a priority in your life to pray before every meal or pray right as you get up or pray before you go to bed, all those ways are good ways to make prayer a priority.

5. Keep a Prayer Journal

This one is a little newer for me, but I have like it so far. A prayer journal is a way to keep track of your prayers and when God answers them. It is also a good to keep track of the prayer requests that your friends give you. The journal does not have to be fancy, it can be if you would like, but it could be something as simple as a little notebook that sits on your nightstand.

6. Talk to Him

Talking to God kind of goes along with the prayer ones, but it is a little different. This is another thing I've started doing more during this current situation and am really loving. Talk to God like He's your best friend, because he really is. He will "never leave you or forsake you" and he is the only thing in this world that is constant and that will ever fulfill your needs. Talking to God can look like writing letters to Him, asking Him for advice, or telling Him about your day like He is standing right next to you.

7. Count Your Blessings

Every morning when you wake up, think of ten blessings that God has given to you. Try to think of different ones every morning, when you think of them thank God for them. This is a simple way to let God know that you are thankful for everything He has given you and it also brings to light everything that you have to be thankful for.

This is sort of totally off topic but if you have not heard of Michael Todd, I definitely suggest that you check out his relationship goals series on YouTube!! I just started the first part today and it is amazing. You do not have to be in a relationship to get anything out of this, in my opinion it's better to watch it before you have a relationship with a significant other. He also gives such good advice about friendships among your peers as well. Michael also just released a book title Relationship Goals that goes more in depth with his story and what he talks about in his YouTube series. His book and series can be beneficial to someone who is single, dating, or is married.

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