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The Surprise

Hey guys, it's been a while since my last post but I've been pretty busy! I didn't really know what to write about today so I thought I'd share some exciting news with you all!

I was doing some homework earlier today and my Dad came in and was like "come quick we need to go outside, someone is dropping of something for Mom and I want you guys to give it to her right away," so we were all like okay whatever. As we are walking outside the care pulls in and my mom has her phone in her hand and I was like oh that's weird and they pulled out a six week old puppy from their car!!!! I was so excited, we had wanted to get a dog since Honey passed away in December. We were all speechless and thinking what? that's our dog? He is the cutest little thing I have ever seen! He is 3/4 Australian Shepard and 1/4 Blue Heeler and man is he a cutie! The five of us are still trying to come to an agreement for his name, which will most likely be challenging, but we are thinking Remington and Remi for short.

That was my little adventure today, I didn't know my day would go like this at all! It was an awesome surprise though, and right on time for Mother's Day and my birthday! I am attaching some pictures below as well.

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